Saturday, February 26, 2011

Why we are broke

Our state is broke and they think the answer is to fire teachers,when we don't have enough as it is and increase classroom size,when the teachers are already overwhelmed. That won't help and it will certainly hurt our children and their education. The cost of teachers is just a drop in the bucket compared to what the state of Texas pays to cover the cost of illegal immigrants.

Our country is broke and they think the answer is to raise taxes on Americans who are already having a hard time making ends meet. Why don't they stop and take a look at the real problem that is causing a huge burden on the entire country and stop bowing down to the illegal immigrants who demand we cater to them ?
They don't deserve to be treated better then Americans who are footing the bill for every little gripe they have. They don't have a right to sue for their civil rights,or scream all over the local news about how unfair they are being treated,when they haven't earned those rights.

As Americans we wouldn't dream of going to Japan,or any other country and demand that they cater to our language,pay our medical bills,offer us food stamps,pay for the births of millions of babies a year,subsidize our housing and give us free legal counsel when we are arrested.  Yet we tolerate it being done to us. 

The suits in our government need to stop wearing blinders to the real problem. Stop cutting back on the things that can't afford it and make the cutbacks on those who are bleeding this entire country dry. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

So you want to marry a cop ?

So many women think that being married to a cop is "cool" or "sexy"...or they just want a man in uniform...what happens when the lust fades,the rose colored glasses fall off and you are faced with the reality of what being a cops wife is all about ?

IF you marry a cop,you'd better make damned sure you know what you're getting into and be willing to support him through all of it. His "bad day at the office" is a walk in the park compared to the majority of the population. There will be times when he brings that black cloud home,no matter how hard he tries not to. You have to be willing and able to listen when he wants to talk and not get offended the times that he doesn't want to,or can't talk about it.
You marry the badge,the dept and the partner/team...So no matter what you may think of the partner,you have to be willing to keep it to yourself...he depends on that other person with his life and doesn't need the nagging ringing in his ears while on duty.
If he is on a pager,there is no promise that he'll be home for dinner,recitals,or any other family plans that are made. Even the sex life can be put on hold if that thing goes off at the "wrong time". If you're out on a date...good idea to have cab fare with you,or have a friend you can call to pick you up. Your schedule has to be flexible enough to work around him,because his isn't.

 Even if he isnt on a pager...this is no 9-5 job. Accidents and other things happen that can add hours to his shift. There is no promise that you won't go to bed alone,or wake up alone. So you'd better get used to it.
He is a cop 24/7. Just because he may not be wearing the uniform,or the badge,its still there,burned into his soul. Its impossible for him to turn off those feelings and instincts.
You have to remember that its for better or worse and with a cop,there can be a lot of just have to be willing to hang in there so that the "better" can be that much sweeter.