Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Things I have learned

That no matter if there are 6 other people in the house,i'm still the only one that can replace the toilet paper, notice when there is a sink full of dishes or the fact that the garbage needs to be taken out.

That no matter how much the dog hates to get wet,he will still find the biggest mud puddle in the pasture to lay in every chance he gets.

That just as I get the carpet cleaned and the floors mopped,it will rain for days creating rivers of mud,which of course the dogs and boys have to run through.

That the dogs won't bark,the phones won't ring and no one will want my attention until I want to take a nap.

That sentences that start with "promise you won't be mad" are a sure sign that I am about to blow my stack.

That cats intentionally set out to drag in something that will make your skin crawl,every chance they get.

That a cat will never hack up anything in broad daylight...they always have to wait until after midnight and before 6 a.m.

That teenagers will think you have no clue what you are talking about,even if you are telling them that the sky is blue and grass is green.

That no matter what you say to a man,all he hears is a voice that sounds like the teacher from Charlie Brown. 

That the sure fire way to have everyone in the house wanting to talk to you, is to try and take a long hot bath...then,they will be knocking on the bathroom door,every 30 seconds.

That even if it hasn't rained in months,try wearing a new pair of brushed leather boots out somewhere and you will have flash flood warnings in a matter of hours.
That its still possible to feel alone,in a room full of people.....

That its okay to dance around the house acting goofy when you're sad....

That you're never too old to play in the rain....

That losing contact with someone you care about,will always hurt.....

That there will always be songs on the radio that remind you of the past..sometimes they will make you smile,other times they will make you cry.....

That you should never miss a chance to make someone smile......

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